Electronic signature

Cards, readers and cases


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Certificate Renewal

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Electronic seal

Qualified Certificate

Non-qualified certificate

The electronic signature is already a business everyday around the world. The Internet significantly brings partners and contractors closer together, and an electronic signature allows you to finalize important tasks and projects without leaving your office. This is a proven way to improve the company's operations. Modern business requires appropriate tools, the electronic signature from Certum is an excellent solution for entrepreneurs who care about mobility and security at the same time.

In a simple, convenient and economical way, you can sign documents on any device: phone, tablet or computer

E-signature sets product catalog

Electronic signature

Certificate meeting the requirements of the Electronic Signature Act, issued by a qualified entity providing certification services. An electronic signature verified by means of a qualified certificate and made with a secure electronic signature creation device is equivalent to a handwritten signature. The requirements of the Act and executive provisions relate to level of equipment security, uniqueness of certain data and methods of customer service. A qualified certificate may be issued only to a natural person.

A qualified certificate is always issued to a natural person, and the electronic signature verified by means of this certificate is always treated as the person's own signature. A qualified certificate containing only personal data is a universal certificate and can be used in all contacts with public administration, all state institutions and in business relations. A person holding such a certificate and placing an electronic signature may act both on their own behalf and on behalf of the represented entity without having to enter information about this entity in the certificate.

The certificate is downloaded to the computer only once, then we transfer it with a cryptographic card placed in a reader connected to the computer. To sign documents, the reader with the card and the uploaded certificate should be placed in the computer (USB input).

Proposed Electronic Signature Kit - just click

With our qualified certificate, you can sign documents on all devices that you use, whether it's a computer, telephone or tablet. When signing documents with this certificate, you must enter the PIN (consisting of 6-8 characters). The person sets the PIN himself when downloading the certificate to the computer.

Qualified certificate intended for signing e-documents with a secure electronic signature (renewable every 12 months or every 24 months).

Qualified Certificate

Certum Certum Certificates E-mail ID - is an electronic identity document authenticating a given user on the Internet, containing a set of specific identification data, certified by a Trusted Third Party and associated with a specific pair of cryptographic keys.

The ID Individual E-mail Certificate confirms the authenticity of your online identity. You can send email without worrying that it has been modified in any way. Private email correspondence has never been so secure.

Do you want to join the IDO CERTIFICATE holders? Send a message to: biuro@e-centrum.eu enter your name, surname and telephone number. Call 58 333 1000 or +48 58 500 8000. Our consultants will contact you.

Non-qualified certificate

The CERTUM seal is a trust service in the form of a Qualified Electronic Seal Certificate, containing the data of an entity having legal personality, i.e.

The certificate can be used to seal documents, data and electronic correspondence of a given organization, which guarantees data integrity, identifies the entity that is the author of the document and adds an element of non-repudiation in the light of legal provisions.

The electronic seal can be used to electronically seal: - official corporate electronic correspondence - electronic invoices - documents (in various formats, among others: - official documents (Regulations, Statutes, Financial Statements, Prospectuses) - legal documents (Legal acts, normative documents ) - commercial offers - advertising folders / product leaflets in PDF - notifications / bank statements / insurance / policies / confirmations

Electronic seal

• the cryptographic card is located in a secured data center

We are pleased to announce that a new technological solution in the field of electronic signature - SimplySign has obtained full compatibility with the e-KRS (S-24) system.

Features of the new Qualified Certificate in SimplySign technology:
• The SimplySign solution is a new form of qualified certificate, having all the same functionalities as the signatures issued on physical cryptographic cards, with the difference that the cryptographic card is located in a secure data center. Logging in to the card on a PC / MAC is via a special application, where we provide the email address and 30-second code generated by the mobile application (on an Android or iOS phone / tablet)
• in addition, documents can be signed in the mobile application on the phone / tablet with the installed and authorized software (Andoid, iOS) - all full functions of a traditional qualified signature.
• it has all the functionalities of a traditional electronic signature, ie signing with the effect of uncountability
• The advantage of this type of solution is that the customer does not need to have a physical cryptographic card (no need to send the set), can sign all documents as a traditional signature, additionally, he can sign documents via a mobile device (phone tablet) and it is still full functionality qualified certificate.
• access to the card on a PC / MAC is done using the application and the login system using the tocken on the phone (30 second codes) - this corresponds to the operation of physically placing a traditional card with a reader in the computer
• is compatible with the requirements of ZUS, US and KRS (S-24)
• supports all document formats
Simplysign product page Click >>


Our knowledge and experience will allow you to create an individual offer for your company without unnecessary costs and complications.
Using our help will allow us to jointly develop a comprehensive solution that will ensure a balance between the complexity of the product and the practical use of its potential

Do you want to join the holders of Qualified Electronic Signature, do you have any questions?
Send a message to: biuro@e-centrum.eu enter your name, surname and telephone number.

Call +58 333 1000 XNUMX Our consultants will contact you.